The importance of a healthy and varied diet
A good diet is important for good health. A healthy and varied diet can help to maintain a healthy body weight, enhance general wellbeing and reduce the risk of a number of diseases including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis.
The British Nutrition Foundation suggests Eight tips for eating well,
1. Base your meals on starchy foods
2. Eat lots of fruit and veg
3. Eat more fish
4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar
5. Try to eat less salt – no more than 6g a day
6. Get active and try to be a healthy weight
7. Drink plenty of water
8. Don’t skip breakfast
You should choose a variety of foods from each of these four food groups every day:
* Bread,cereals and potatoes
* Fruits and vegetables
* Milk and dairy foods
* Meat,fish and alternatives
Tips for preparing healthier food
1) Don't fry food - instead grill, bake, casserole, boil, poach or steam.
2) Choose leaner cuts of meat and trim off any visible fat.
3) Take fish and poultry without the skin.
4)Eat low fat dairy products instead of full fat varieties, for eg: skimmed milk, low -fat cheddar,cottage cheese, low fat yoghurts.
5)Don't roast vegetables in lots of oil, just brush the surface or use a spray fat and fry in low or medium heat.
6) Cook vegetables for a short period in little water as possible, or steam them to preserve the vitamin and mineral content.
7) Avoid leaving cut vegetables in air, light and heat: cover and chill. Don't soak vegetables in water as vitamins can dissolve away.
8) Be wary of prepared salads and sandwiches - they often contain a lot of fat. Ask for them to be prepared without mayonnaise, dressing or fat spread or add a low fat variety.
9) Decrease the amount of salt you add to dishes. Flavour with herbs and spices instead.
10)Try natural yoghurt, fruit compote, fresh fruit. Poach and scramble eggs rather than frying.
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